P/n 4412E-187 NOTES:
Spark plug repair kit with Taper seat inserts.
Domestic / General Motors, GMC, Chrysler & Others.

M14x1.25 spark plug repair tooling kit also includes a mini wrench to use in tight areas.
Kit includes ( 2 inserts p/n 44183 10mm ) ( 2 inserts p/n 44185 15.7mm )
( 2 inserts p/n 44187 24mm )
For long and short reach taper seat spark plugs.



The wrench rotates all the tools, has a 1/2 ” inch or 12mm hex
at the top which can allow you to extend the tooling with a socket further if need.
The tap length is 5-5/8″ inch or 142mm.
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